1956 Admiral 10" Portable

Model T-103

What a mess! This sets only good points were that it was complete and had a good picture tube.
Replacing all the Electrolytic, and paper capacitors, a couple tubes, a few resistors, the audio output transformer, and the speaker got this set working again.

I still need to strip and repaint the cabinet in it's original, 55 Chevy Turquoise and White colors.

Chassis 14YP3B

admchst.jpg (1718 bytes)

Click on the thumbnail
to see the chassis

The Sams Photofact# for this set is a 350-1

The table below lists the tubes and their function

V1 RF Amplifier 3BC5 V8 Audio Output 12CU5
V2 Mixer- Oscillator 5J6 V9 Vert. Mult - Vert. Output 6CM7
V3 1st Video IF Amplifier 3CB6 V10 Horiz. Mult 6CG7
V4 2nd Video IF Amplifier 3CB6 V11 Horiz. Output 12DQ6
V5 Video Output - Sync Sep. 6BA8A V12 Damper 12AX4GTA
V6 Sound IF Amp - Sync Phase Inverter 5U8 V13 High Voltage Rectifier 1X2B
V7 Audio Detector 3DT6 V14 Picture Tube 10ABP4

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